News & Media
From Florida Department of Health – Franklin – Hello Franklin County. This message is for active and retired Healthcare personnel of all levels in Franklin County. We are working to ensure we have adequate staffing coverage should the need arise to open an Alternate Care Site due to COVID-19 patient surge at our local hospital. If you would like to assist with this mission please contact Courtney Alford at Weems Hospital for details. Phone number is 850-653-8853 extension 108. Thanks you!
COVID-19 Resources
COVID19 Update_Franklin_Gulf_8.6.21
c19 vaccines
Franklin COVID Profile Report 8.28.20
Franklin COVID Profile Report 8.26.20
Franklin COVID Profile Report 8.14.20
Franklin COVID19 Profile Report 7.24.20
Franklin COVID Profile Report 7.22.20
DBPR EO_2020-09
2020_06_22_SSG Public Health Advisory
2020_06_22_SSG Public Health Advisory
4.24.20 COVID-19 Update
4.23.20 COVID-19 Update
4.22.20 COVID-19 Update
4.21.20 COVID-19 Update
4.20.20 COVID-19 Update
4.17.20 COVID-19 Update
4.16.20 COVID-19 Update
4.15.20 COVID-19 Update
4.14.20 COVID-19 Update
4.13.20 COVID-19 Update
4.09.20 COVID-19 Update
4.08.20 COVID-19 Update
4.07.20 COVID-19 Update
4.06.20 COVID-19 Update
4.03.20 COVID-19 Update
4.02.20 COVID-19 Update
PanCare Health will begin conducting COVID-19 testing in Eastpoint (Franklin County) on Wednesday, April 15. To be screened for testing, contact our COVID-19 response line team at (850) 215-4181 Monday-Friday 9 am-4 pm. Response line hours differ from testing site hours; if a person qualifies for testing, they will be given an appointment date and time, as well as the testing site location.
Weems Memorial hospital and the two medical clinics also administer the tests with a doctor’s order. However, according to Weems Interim CEO David Walker, Weems would prefer to steer individuals to the mobile testing site unless they present with illness because Pancare features a drive-thru site to ensure additional precautions. The Weems network will continue to test those persons that exhibit symptoms for which hospitalization is required, Walker said.
CDC guidelines have changed; anyone exhibiting symptoms is encouraged to call our response line, PanCare Health will be screening persons and scheduling appointments based on the following priorities:
Priority 1:
∙ Healthcare facility workers with symptoms
Priority 2:
∙ Patients in long-term care facilities with symptoms
∙ Patients 65 years of age and older with symptoms
∙ Patients with underlying conditions with symptoms
∙ First responders with symptoms
Priority 3:
∙ Critical infrastructure workers with symptoms
∙ Individuals who do not meet any of the above categories with symptoms
∙ Healthcare facility workers and first responders
∙ Individuals with mild symptoms in communities experiencing high numbers of COVID-19 hospitalizations
To qualify for testing, you must complete all of the four following steps.
Step 1: Exhibit symptoms (e.g., fever ≥ 100.4 f, cough, and shortness of breath).
Step 2: Call the PanCare COVID-19 response line at (850) 215-4181.
Step 3: Conduct a phone screening.
Step 4: Upon qualifying for testing, you will be assigned a unique ID number and given an appointment date and time. You must present this id number at your appointment with your photo ID when you arrive at the off-site testing location.
How Do I catch COVID-19?
COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person:
* Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
* Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks.
These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.
There are important steps to take to ensure appropriate social distancing in a workplace:
* Keep at least 6-feet between people whether they are employees or customers.
* Place hand sanitizers in multiple locations & encourage employees and customers to wash their hands often.
* Discourage workers from sharing phones, desks, offices or other work tools.
For details about helping to prevent COVID-19 through appropriate social distancing in the workplace, please visit:
All updates from the Florida Department of Health are available here: The COVID-19 Call Center is also available
24/7 at (866) 779-6121. The COVID-19 Email Center can be reached at
Download the COVID-19 Preparedness Playbook here. CEP.PPEguide.2020
A Message from Weems
David Walker, Weems Interim CEO
George E. Weems Memorial Hospital is closely monitoring the developments surrounding the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus with the support of our emergency department physicians, nurses, medical staff (respiratory, laboratory, and radiology) and EMS. Weems Memorial is taking the appropriate steps to protect the safety of our patients, staff, providers and the community.
We understand your concern for the ever-evolving COVID-19 situation. We want to assure you that Weems Memorial Hospital has a comprehensive plan in place to care for our community.
We have established a COVID-19 Incident Command Team which meets regularly to share feedback and strategies . We continue to implement a wide variety of measures to reduce the possibility of the spread of diseases, protect patients and staff. We are reinforcing the importance of proper hand hygiene, applying and removing PPE. As healthcare organizations across the country adjust their PPE recommendations, we are reviewing the changes and implementing what is appropriate for our organization to keep our staff safe while also conserving resources.
We’ve established a process throughout Weems to identify, isolate and care for suspected COVID-19 patients. Our educated clinical team is diligently screening and evaluating patients who present with symptoms of respiratory illness. Likewise, we have a designated isolation room for any patient suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 who requires inpatient care.
Though Weems has adeqauate supplies, we have been asked how the community and businesses can help. We are accepting donattions of: N-95 masks, face shields, cleaner disinfectant wipes, aerosol disinfectant/sanitizers, non- contact thermometers, goggles, surgical masks, surgical gowns and gloves. We are optimistic about getting the appropriate products to ensure we can meet the growing demands of our community but local businesses who are interested in donatining can contact Courtney Alford directly at
We are continuing to follow the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidance and adapt daily to recommendations provided by them and the World Health Organization. In addition, we are following the Florida Department of Health guidelines for screening and testing for COVID-19 and actively monitoring Franklin County regulations.
To manage the flow of visitors and vendors entering the Main Hospital to prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses, we have implemented visitor restrictions as of April 1, 2020.
No Visitors Will Be Permitted For Any Patient, Except as Follows:
- Patients receiving end of life care – visitation will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
- Patients with disabilities, impairments or other extenuating circumstances may be permitted one visitor on a case-by-case basis.
- Patients requiring assistance with ambulation.
- Patients who are minor children-one visitor per patient is permitted.
Permitted visitors must undergo a mandatory screening and travel history questionnaire upon entering the hospital. Visitors who do not pass the screenings will not be allowed entry.
All visitors and vendors must sign in at the Front Office lobby Monday-Friday between 8am-4:30pm. After 4:30pm, all visitors and vendors are to sign in at the ED lobby. Weekend visitors or vendors must use the Emergency Department lobby to sign in as well.
No visitors will be permitted to accompany patients to office visits at either Weems East or West Clinics except when the patient requires assistance, (for example with ambulation – one visitor per patient is permitted) or when accompanying minor children (one visitor per patient is permitted). If you have an upcoming appointment at Weems Clinics and have a fever, cough or shortness of breath, and/or have been in contact with a confirmed COVID-19 patient, please call the practice prior to your arrival. For any specific questions regarding your appointment or the clinic visitor policy, please call Weems East directly at (850) 697-2345 and Weems West at (850) 653-1525.
Practicing social distancing is essential to containing the spread of COVID-19. covid19_social_distancing
Additional Resources
COVID-19 antibody_testing Fact Sheet
Respiratory therapists, also known as respiratory care practioners, provide treatment, evaluation, monitoring and management of patients with breathing disorders or cardiovascular problems. All of the respiratory therapist employed at Weems Memorial Hospital are licensed by the state of Florida and are required to obtain 24 hours of continuing education every two years with their license renewal. Weems features Registered Respiratory Therapists (RRT) and Certified Respiratory Technicians, both of which are available at the main hospital facility in Apalachicola.
Respiratory services are available for variety of symptoms. Those who struggle, including accident victims, heart attack and stroke victims and people with asthma or emphysema, rely on Respiratory Services. Respiratory Therapists assist physicians with the diagnosis and treatment of lung and breathing disorders. Respiratory Services are provided at Weems Memorial Hospital 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and include the following:
- Oxygen Therapy
- Periodic and Continuous Aerosol Therapy
- Incentive Spirometer
- Breathing exercises
- Chest Physiotherapy
- Sputum Induction and/or collection
- Mechanical Ventilation
- Pulse Oximetry
- Arterial Blood Gas
- Intubations
- Nasotracheal, Endotracheal, and Tracheostomy tube suctioning
- Electrocardiograph (EKG)
- Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT)
- Tracheostomy care and teaching
- Patient education regarding all aspects of respiratory care
- Pulse Oximetry
- Pulmonary Stress Test (Six Minute Walk Test)