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Medical Offices
Weems Medical Center East in Carrabelle and Weems Medical Center West in Apalachicola provide primary care and rotating specialty care services.
Qualified and caring professionals service both locations bringing their expertise to the Franklin County community. Services provided at both locations are:
- Medicare Wellness exams
- School and sports physicals
- Maintenance & treatment of diabetes, hypertension, respiratory and skin infections, lacerations, annual physicals, infections, referrals to specialists
- ER follow ups
- Headaches, UTI, earache, fever, and many other types of appointments.
Inquiries are welcome to see how we can help.
* Financial assistance available for qualifying patients.
Sliding Fee Application Weems Medical Center East 2024
Solicitud de Tarifa Variable para Weems Medical Center East 2024
Sliding Fee Application Weems Medical Center West 2024
Solicitud de Tarifa Variable para Weems Medical Center West 2024
Fee Schedule_Weems Medical Centers
Weems Medical Center West Apalachicola
137 12th Street, Apalachicola
Phone: (850) 653-1525 Fax: (850) 653-1546
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday from 8am - 4:30pm (closed Noon - 1pm).
Weems Medical Center West in Apalachicola is located on the campus of Weems Memorial Hospital. The medical center offers primary care and minor emergency care services. Appointments are recommended. The Apalachicola medical office is staffed by Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) Sussete Valdueza.
Patients requiring medical services of a primary care provider may be seen by the medical center staff for a wide variety of conditions.
Weems Medical Center East Carrabelle
110 NE 5th Street, Carrabelle
Phone: (850) 697-2345 Fax: (850) 697-2367
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday from 8 am - 4:30pm (closed Noon - 1pm).
Weems Medical Center East in Carrabelle is located just off Highway 98 west of Carrabelle on 5th Street. The medical center offers primary care, minor emergency care services and several specialty care services.
Patients requiring medical services of a primary care provider may be seen by the Weems Medical Center East staff for a wide variety of conditions. The Carrabelle office also features Xray services provided through Weems Memorial Hospital.
X-ray Services are available by appointment at the Carrabelle office. Referring physician's orders are accepted.
Weems Memorial Hospital Emergency Room
Weems Memorial is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Weems is the hospital of choice for Franklin County residents leading in emergency response with Emergency Medical Services ambulance teams.
The Emergency Room is located at the hospital campus at 135 Avenue G in Apalachicola, next to the Weems Medical Center and The Florida Health Department. The telephone number is (850) 653-8853 for inquiries. All hospital services, including respiratory, radiology and lab services are available to the ER.
If you are experiencing a true medical emergency, please call 911 FIRST for immediate response to your situation.
The Weems ambulance teams are highly trained to respond quickly and professionally to your needs. We have an experienced Emergency Medicine Physician on call 24 hours a day.
The Franklin County Emergency Medical Service ambulance program is made up of skilled, caring, and professional emergency medical service providers proudly serving the citizens and visitors of Franklin County. The service is comprised of Advanced Life Support providers, in the roles of Emergency Medical Technician and Paramedic. Utilizing three ambulances stationed throughout the county, the service provides state of the art care to ill and injured patients. The Franklin County Emergency Medical Services specialize in the rapid care and stabilization of all types of patients, with a focus on the critical patients suffering from airway and respiratory compromise, cardiac disorders, stroke, and traumatic injuries.
Weems currently manages a fleet of three ambulances and two backup vehicles that are stationed throughout the county in Eastpoint and Lanark.
Each Weems Ambulance contains the following:
- Lifepak 15 cardiac monitors equipped with the latest technology in cardiac rhythm monitoring and correction
- A full array of advanced medications for the treatment of all cardiac and medical disorders
- Lucas 2 automated CPR devices providing the best in technology and circulation during caridac arrest
Weems Memorial offers full service lab draw collection services at the hospital, and limited lab services at both of its medical centers in Apalachicola and Carrabelle.
Quest and Labcorp are both used to process orders, determined by the insurance carrier of the patient. Quest provides services for all carriers except Capital Health Insurance Plans.
*Fully completed order form from Outside Providers required.
*CPT Codes, specific lab and Dx codes required.
*All Patients must bring ID card and hard copy of insurance card, if applicable.
Weems Medical Center East, Carrabelle
110 NE 5th Street, Carrabelle (850) 697-2345
Bloodwork lab draw services are available from 8:00am-11:00am Monday through Friday
Weems Medical Center West Apalachicola
137 12th Street, Apalachicola (850) 653-1525
Bloodwork lab draw services are available from 8:00am-11:00am Monday through Friday.
135 Ave G, Apalachicola (850) 653-8853
Bloodwork lab services are available from 8:00am-4:30pm Monday through Friday; however, LabCorp clients should arrive between 8-11am.
Weems Memorial Hospital offers a wide array of radiological services to our patients. Radiology services are now offered at Weems East Clinic in Carrabelle, Florida as well.
CT Scans – CT scans combine a series of x-rays taken from many different angles with computer procession to produce a cross-sectional view of bones or soft tissues. CT scans are used to help doctors treating patients who may have internal injuries.
X-rays – This non-invasive procedure uses a low dose of radiation to produce images of the inside of your body. X-rays are a very safe and useful diagnostic tool.
Ultrasounds – Ultrasounds send high-frequency sound waves (inaudible to humans) through the body and produce pictures from the echoes of those waves. Ultrasounds are used to look at soft tissues within the body and can also be used to look at blood flow in arteries to find blockages. Ultrasounds are completely painless and use no dyes or radiation.
The types of radiology exams that Weems can perform include, but are not limited to Aorta, Abdominal, OB, Renal, Liver, Arterial, Venous, Scrotal, Breast and Pelvic.
You may schedule an appointment by calling the hospital at (850) 653-8853. ext: 119.