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Governing Board Meetings


Weems Memorial Now Offers LOCAL Mammography Services With State-Of-The-Art Equipment

Weems Memorial Hospital now offers digital mammography services thanks to a $258,500 USDA Rural Development Health Care grant and a matching donation of $137,250 from Franklin Needs, Inc., a local nonprofit organization that helps fund breast cancer support services for Franklin County residents.

For the past 10 years, Franklin Needs has hosted the annual Pink Out event on St. George Island that raised money to help fund mammograms and breast cancer support services. President Jessica Sparks said that in addition to the donation for the mammography equipment, the group has committed to help cover ongoing costs associated with the equipment and services.  “We’re not a big community but when we come together, we do big things,” she said.

“The sooner you discover breast cancer, the better your odds are for full recovery,”  said Dr. Patrick Conrad, Weems Emergency Room Director. “Early detection is key and while monthly self-exams are important, a mammogram can pick up tumors that the most careful self-exam will miss. If you are over 35, or if women in your family have had breast cancer, talk to your primary care provider today about whether you should have a mammogram.  The sooner you look for it, the sooner you can cure it.”

Franklin Needs is a non-profit organization committed to providing free mammograms and help with qualifying expenses for under-insured and uninsured residents of Franklin County, Fla.  For more information or to inquire about assistance call (678) 772-7304 or visit their website


The GE Senographe Pristina 3D Mammography system provides outstanding detail and superior diagnostic accuracy with the same low dose as a 2D exam.